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MyRoomie Essentials

Find your next roommate, for free!

  • Submit Listing for FREE
  • Safe and secure listings
  • Custom User Experience
  • Listing Duration: 15 days
  • Safety and Security
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MyRoomie Plus

MyRoomie Plus

  • Everything in MyRoomie Essentials plus
  • Verified Users and Listings
  • Up to 3 Listings
  • Access to contact details of users
  • Listing Duration: 30 days
  • Priority support
  • Early Access to new Features
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MyRoomie Plus
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MyRoomie Plus

  • Everything in MyRoomie Essentials plus
  • Verified Users and Listings
  • Up to 3 Listings
  • Access to contact details of users
  • Listing Duration: 30 days
  • Priority support
  • Early Access to new Features

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