How Works

Find the perfect roommate or ideal room in 5 simple steps:

1. Sign Up:

  • Create a free account.
  • Fill in some basic information about yourself.
  • Describe what you’re looking for in a roommate or room.

2. Start Your Search:

  • Browse through available listings.
  • Use filters to find listings that match your preferences.
  • View detailed descriptions, photos, and videos.

3. Post Your Listing:

  • If you want to rent out a room or are looking for a roommate, create a listing.
  • Add a detailed description of the room or yourself.
  • Choose appropriate photos to make your listing attractive.

4. Safety:

  • All listings are thoroughly checked by our team.
  • You can communicate with other users safely through the platform.
  • We have adopted strict security measures to protect your personal data.

5. Connect and Communicate:

  • Send messages to users you’re interested in.
  • Discuss your expectations and see if you’re a good match.
  • Set up a meeting to get to know each other in person.

Get Started Today: Sign up on and make your search for roommates or rooms easy, quick, and safe!

Additional Features:

  • You can rate other users you’ve been in contact with.
  • You can save listings you’re interested in to refer to later.
  • You can receive notifications for new listings that match your preferences.

We’re Here to Help: If you need assistance or have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the support team.

Good luck with your search!

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